Our Occupational Therapy Programs

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Weekend Program

Designed for students seeking flexibility while balancing work, family, and other commitments, our Weekend OT program offers a unique opportunity to pursue your degree with classes held exclusively on weekends. This program lets you maintain a busy schedule while advancing your education.

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Monday-Only Program

Our Monday-Only OT program is the first of its kind, offering a revolutionary approach to achieving your degree. With classes held just one day a week, every Monday from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM, this option provides the flexibility you need while maintaining rigorous academic standards. Ideal for working professionals, career changers, or those with family commitments, our Monday-Only program offers a dedicated day for focused study.

Join our Graduate Admissions Q&A Session!

This session is the perfect opportunity to ask questions about the application process, the nursing programs, and career prospects. Whether you’re deciding between programs or ready to apply, our team is here to provide guidance.

How To ApplyCost of AttendanceProgram Outcomes

Weekend Format Applicants Not Currently Dominican University New York Undergraduates:

  • Applicants not currently Dominican University New York undergraduate degree students must first apply to the University as a transfer student
  • Submit official transcripts from all post-secondary coursework to DUNY Graduate Admissions for evaluation of credits and prerequisites
  • Based on GPA , number of qualifying transfer credits, and highest degree earned, prospective candidates will be assigned an advisor to assist with registration for remaining prerequisite courses, eligibility for, and the timeline to apply to the Occupational Therapy (OT) Program. Acceptance into Dominican University New York is not acceptance into the occupational therapy program.
  • Complete all remaining undergraduate-level prerequisite courses
  • When you only have Physics* and Neuroscience undergraduate prerequisites to complete, apply to the DUNY Weekend format via the Occupational Therapy Centralized
  • Application Service (OTCAS) at http://otcas.liaisoncas.com/applicant-ux/#/login
  • The OTCAS application opens on July 21, 2023, for the 2024 entering cohort.
  • Offers of admission to the program occur on a rolling basis until filled or March 30, 2024, whichever comes first

* NOTE: Physics must be completed before May 1, 2024, as it is a prerequisite to OT 532 Kinesiology in OT Practice which begins in early May, the OT program’s summer trimester.

Dominican University New York Social Science and Health Science Students

  • Contact the DUNY OT Program office to express interest in applying – the office will review the unofficial transcript to ascertain the student’s qualifications and readiness to apply.
  • Qualified applicants submit the required two (2) essays, a current resume/CV, and three (3) letters of reference. Letters of reference must include one academic, one professional (e.g., supervisor), and a third that can be either academic or professional. If can submit one from an occupational therapist who knows the student well and can speak to their potential as a student and in the profession, it will be a bonus. References from family members, friends of the family, clergy, family physicians, etc. will not be accepted.

One-Weekday-Per-Week Format – in partnership with The New Seminary

  • Contact and register with The New Seminary (TNS) as a prospective candidate for the DUNY OT program
  • TNS will review your academic record and begin advising toward the completion of your Bachelor’s degree if needed, and all remaining OT prerequisite courses
  • TNS communicates with DUNY Graduate Admissions and OT Program to provide names of qualified candidates for consideration
  • Qualified candidates must also apply to DUNY as a transfer student and submit official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions, US and international; Acceptance into Dominican University New York is not acceptance into the occupational therapy program
  • The OT program receives a credit evaluation from DUNY Graduate Admissions showing degrees and prerequisites completed, including grades and GPAs
  • Students are jointly advised by TNS and DUNY toward readiness to submit the official OT Program application via the Occupational Therapy Centralized Application Service (OTCAS) at http://otcas.liaisoncas.com/applicant-ux/#/login selecting the option for the “Weekday New Seminary Program”
  • The OTCAS application opens on July 21, 2023, for the 2024 entering cohort.
  • Offers of admission to the program occur on a rolling basis until filled or March 30, 2024, whichever comes first

* NOTE: Physics must be completed before May 1, 2024, as it is a prerequisite to OT 532 Kinesiology in OT Practice which begins in early May, the OT program’s summer trimester.

All Applicants

  • Applicants who complete all application requirements and meet all standards will be invited to an interview with OT Faculty – The interview may be in-person or virtual.
  • Accepted students are required to attend a mandatory orientation session of two full days – if unable to attend any portion of the orientation, you will need to postpone your admission to the OT program for one year.
  • Once accepted, all remaining degree and prerequisite requirements MUST be completed before the start of the Graduate OT Program professional curriculum in the Fall term.
  • The inability to satisfactorily complete any pre-program requirement results in rescinding your acceptance to the program.

For questions about the DUNY application process, please contact:

Janet Barron
Assistant Director for Graduate Admissions
Email: janet.barron@duny.edu

Cost Cost of Attendance (Annualized by Academic Year) for students beginning 2024-2025

Tuition and Fees2024-2025 (Year 1)
3 didactic trimesters/27 credits
2025-2026 (Year 2)
3 didactic trimesters/27 credits
2026-2027 (Year 3)
1 didactic term and two Level 2 FW/15 credits
Tuition – per credit$1,120$1,155*$1,190*
Registration Fee – per term$220$230$240 (X2)
OT Program Fee – per didactic term$200$200$200 (X1)
Full-Year Tuition and Fees$31,500$32,475$18,530
Other Estimated Costs **
Required Textbooks$750$750$250
Graduation Fee$350
Total Annual Cost$33,350$34,425$20,430
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance$88,205

* Based on an approximated 3% annual increase in tuition and particular fees per year

** Rough and variable estimates – Book cost will vary based on course requirements, purchase versus rental, ebook versus printed, and books used in multiple courses; transportation will be individualized based on distance from campus/fieldwork sites, inflation, tolls, form of transportation used, insurance, and maintenance costs

Note: The tuition and fees outlined above are necessarily subject to change without notice at any time.

NBCOT Certification Examination New Graduate Pass Rate

3 Most Recent Calendar Years 2021-2023

NBCOT Pass Rate2021202220233-year Total/Average
Number of New Graduate Test-Takers*412931101
Number of New Graduates who passed the exam40253095
Percentage of new graduates who passed98%86%97%94%

*New Graduate test takers are those who take the exam within one year of degree conferral and include taking tests in the calendar year following degree conferral. For example, a student having their degree conferred on August 31, 2023, has until August 31, 2024, to take and pass the exam as a New Graduate.

Data is provided by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT), which administers this national examination. Data can be found on the NBCOT website at: http://www.nbcot.org/Educators-Folder/SchoolPerformance

Program Graduation Rate (as of 11/2024)

Graduation Year2022202320243-year Total/Average
# of students who entered the program (per anticipated graduation year)34292184
# of graduates within the published length of the program (on-time graduation)26*24**18***68
# of graduates within the maximum allowable length of time30261874
# of students in the process of completing requirements within the maximum allowable length of time0000
“On-Time” Graduation Rate76.5%83%85.7%81%
Ultimate Graduation Rate88%89.7%85.7%88%

* – 3 students unable to sustain academic standards; 2 withdrew for personal reasons; 2 delayed for academic performance; 2 delayed for personal LOA

** – 3 students withdrew for personal reasons; 1 unable to sustain academic standards; 2 delayed for academic performance; 2 delayed for personal LOA

*** – 2 students withdrew for personal reasons/change of career path; 1 unable to sustain academic standards; 1 delayed for academic performance; 1 delayed for personal reasons/LOA – graduated January 2024

Ready to Learn More!

Contact Janet Barron, Assistant Director for Graduate Admissions

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the program in more detail, reach out to Janet Barron, Assistant Director for Graduate Admissions.

Janet Barron

Assistant Director for Graduate Admissions


Office: 845-848-7908

Work Cell: 845-587-1284